Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Everyone should have one of these - LOL

Ok so I got home last night and was tired and starving, this is where I used to make the mistake of grabbing something quick and unheatlhy. Now that thougth doesn't even cross my mind I always know that there is something in my fridge that I can whip up in a few minutes that will be sufficient. So I had defrosted some elk sausages that I had bought at Planet Organic. I just squeeze the meat out of the casing into a pan with some oinion, spinach and left over roasted butternut squash heat and eat - ready in about 10 minutes and the sausage was delicious.

Today Breakfast same as always - scrambled eggs and veggies and coffee - mmmm

Workout was 1 min on at 85 -90% and 1 min at 50% for 15 reps on this thing
This is the most unpleasant piece of equipement ever. Our coach is a big fan of it because it involves the upper and lower body and you can't "beat" it because it is basically the harder you go the harder it is. It totally sucks and is very hard. I am sure some of your grandmothers have one collecting dust in their basement it would be worth dusting off and maybe using if you have access to one. I spent over a year on kijiji looking for one and believe it or not used ones usually go for around $300 bucks still. I got a smokin deal on mine for $100 it is 20 years old and works like a charm.

Lunch - about 5 ounces of leftover ham, some celery, organic grape tomatoes, artichoke hearts.

Dinner - ground grass fed beef taco salad minus the taco. I just use romaine lettuce and some swiss chard, tomatoes, onions, guacamole, salsa, mushrooms, and homemade ranch dressing. It is delicious and a staple for me. I always try and keep some cooked ground beef around because this salad is so easy to make and is very satisfying..

Now time to watch some hockey!

1 comment:

  1. What is that contraption called? is it similar to rowing?
